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That was then... In the Spring of 2004, Nawang Sherpa of Nepal became the first amputee to climb Mount Everest on his first attempt, and the first disabled Asian person to reach the summit Nawang succeeded on his first try, even though he: --Had not dared to train before the climb, fearing he might injury his leg before his one chance on Mount Everest... --Had to climb using one artificial leg, and he had to always carry a spare leg in his backpack...and --Could not eat for three days climbing to the summit, and for two days descending
honored us in its
This is now... In 2009 ~ Nawang Sherpa is in the U.S. working with his teammates in California to help prosthetists improve the care and rehabilitation of amputees But in 2006... The
Friendship Beyond Borders Team traveled to China to help Nawang become
the first trans-tibial amputee to climb two of the world's highest mountains,
and further raise awareness of the potential of amputees to change the
world in very positive ways.
Journal lets you follow
along with Nawang and our team's Spring 2006 attempt on
the world's 6th-highest peak, Cho Oyu, in China.